Live IoT


$0.0008707 Current Price [USD]
-7.61% 24 hour change
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About IOTA

IOTA is the foremost cryptocurrency focusing on The Internet of Things. More specifically, the 2015 created technology, uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG), also known as the tangle, to achieve consensus.

More specifically, IOTA uses the Random Walk Monte Carlo algorithm to verify transactions in a way which ensures a high level of accuracy. The tangle also allows IOTA to do something called partitioning. This term describes IOTA’s ability to process transactions which are conducted in an off-line environment.

Ilya Druzhinin Avatar
Ilya Druzhinin
Alexandr Vinarskiy Avatar
Alexandr Vinarskiy
Dima Himi Avatar
Dima Himi
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