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Litecoin Litecoin

$116.67 Current Price [USD]
2.57% 24 hour change
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About Litecoin

Litecoin (LTC) is a fork of the bitcoin core client, which went live on October 13th 2011. Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin, aimed to make a cheaper, faster version of bitcoin.

He succeeded on both counts. Litecoin processes blocks every 2.5 minutes and has successfully piloted both Atomic Swaps and transactions on the Lightning Network. As a result, Litecoin has become one of the ten most valuable cryptocurrencies around.

Dhimas Pambudi Avatar
Dhimas Pambudi
Adeel Malik Avatar
Adeel Malik
Keith Ly, B.A., M.A Avatar
Keith Ly, B.A., M.A
Ignacio Bastos Avatar
Ignacio Bastos Avatar
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